Burglary & Theft

The differences in burglary and theft are defined below. You can be charged with burglary even if there is no theft involved.


Thefts can be misdemeanors or felonies depending on the amount involved or the number of prior thefts on the accused’s record. Theft offenses can also range all the way from a second-degree misdemeanor to a first-degree felony depending on the value of the item taken.


Burglaries can either be third-degree felonies, second-degree felonies, or potentially first-degree felonies depending on whether there is an accompanying enhancement offense, such as a battery or gun offense. Second-degree burglary scores mandatory prison. Additionally, burglary-batteries can be punishable by life.

Our Experience

We understand the severity of these offenses in the State of Florida and have extensive experience in dealing with them. We have handled hundreds of these cases and have been successful in dealing with clients accused of these offenses. The definition of burglary in the State of Florida is entering a structure or conveyance with the intent to commit a crime therein.

Misconceptions About Burglary Charges

Some clients have a misconception that to be charged with a burglary you have to actually steal something. This is not the case. If you enter a home with the intent to commit a theft, and at the last minute you leave that home without committing any theft or any other crime inside the home, you still can be held accountable for a burglary.

The Importance of Getting an Attorney Quickly

Sometimes early intervention with a burglary or theft arrest can lead to a reduction of the charge or a dismissal. A client can go from mandatory prison to simply the imposition of a fine, misdemeanor probation, or a complete dismissal. It is very important that if you have been charged with this crime that you contact our office as soon as possible.

Call us at (727) 344-5511 or (813) 221-4400 for a free consultation, our phones are answered 24 hours a day.