Traveling to Meet a Minor
In Florida, if you are convicted of the crime of traveling to meet a minor to commit an unlawful sex act, the lowest sentence a judge can sentence you to is 21 months in prison unless there is a legal reason for the judge to depart from that minimum sentence. Additionally, you can receive a lower sentence if the Prosecutor will negotiate a lower sentence. Depending on the circumstances of the offense and your prior record, if any, penalties may be much more severe — up to 15 years in prison, 15 years of sex offender probation and/or $10,000 in fines.
Traveling to meet a minor is a very serious crime and we have represented many people accused of this crime. We will review your case to determine if your case is a good trial case, or if your case is suitable for a departure based on any number of reasons. Oftentimes, if the case is not a case where we are likely to win at trial, we can refer people accused of this crime to specific counseling and treatment programs. Their participation in this counseling is looked at favorably by the Judge and the State at sentencing and thus puts the person in the best position possible when we ask for a reduced or mitigated sentence.